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Fork this repository

Because this project applies GitOps practices, it's the source of truth for my homelab, so you'll need to fork it to make it yours:

Fork locmai/humble

Hardware requirements

Initial controller plane

The initial controller plane is the Linux machine used to bootstrap the cluster, we only need it once, you can use your laptop or desktop.

Required tools on the box:


The servers are the main master/worker nodes of the deployment. Any modern x86_64 computer(s) should work, you can use old PCs, laptops or servers.

The following specifications are the minimum requirements for each node

Component Minimum Recommended
CPU 2 cores 4 cores
RAM 8 GB 16 GB
Hard drive 128 GB 512 GB
Node count 3 3 or more for high availability

Additional capabilities:

  • Ability to boot from the network (PXE boot)
  • Wake-on-LAN capability, used to wake the machines up automatically without physically touching the power button

BIOS settings

This is something you'll have to perform for all of your servers.

For your convenience, I've included a setting-as-yaml of my BIOS settings. You'll need to adjust it to your hardware because your motherboard may have a different name for the options.

    PXEIPv4: true
    PXEIPv6: false
    VT-d: true
    WoL: Automatic  # Use network boot if Wake-on-LAN
SecureBoot: false
CSM: false

Gather information

You may need to gather the following information beforehand for the next step:

  • MAC address for each machine (required )
  • OS disk name (for example /dev/sda)
  • Network interface name (usually, the default should be eth0)
  • Arrange the static IP addresses for your machines when they spin up

Sign up for a Cloudflare account

We also use Cloudflare which is a full-featured DNS and web experience optimization solution. For this setup, all we need is a free account.

So let's sign up for a free Cloudflare account.


Buying a domain is required for public access. Follow the Cloudflare DNS zone setup guide to use Cloudflare as your primary DNS provider.

After forking the repository, update your DNS in the following files:

  • global/prod/terragrunt.hcl
  • bootstrap/root/values-prod.yaml
  • bootstrap/argocd/values-prod.yaml

Tailscale (required for internal access in secure network)