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Configuration per deployment

Configuration levels

Each deployment is configured using its own YAML files and shared ones. As a result, you can configure each deployment uniquely or have the same configuration across all deployments.

We could update the settings in the proper configuration files based on the needs to configure either the specific layer, a deployment, or from the top level.

The directory structure with the configuration files:

bootstrap/root:      # top-level configuration for all ArgoCD layers
  - values-dev.yaml  # deployment-level override configuration
  - values-stag.yaml
  - values-prod.yaml
  - values.yaml      # shared configuration
  - values-dev.yaml  # deployment-and-layer-level override configuration
  - values-stag.yaml
  - values-prod.yaml
  - values.yaml      # layer-level shared configuration
  - prod.tfvars      # terraform variable definitions files
  - stag.tfvars 
  - values-dev.yaml
  - values-stag.yaml
  - values-prod.yaml
  - ...              # same set of files in the apps directory
  - ... 
metal/inventories:   # top-level configuration for metal layer
  - dev.yml
  - prod.yml
  - stag.yml

Configure with branches

Leverage the configuration-as-code practices, we can configure the code with Git branches as well - adding another configuration level.

Each ArgoCD application has a targetRevision field to target a revision (tag/branch/commit) of the repository

With that in place, we could dynamically configure an application with different revisions of the values-<env>.yaml files with the ability to test/develop/revert the changes real quick.