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Development mode is a sandbox deployment that only requires Docker and make to deploy.

This is set up is recommended for testing out the project and using it as the development environment.


Install the required tools

  • Operating System: Linux or macOS
  • CPUs: 4 cores
  • Memory: 16 GiB


Simply clone the repository

git clone

Build with tools container

For getting started with the tools container run the following make commands:

make tools

OR with just the nix-shell:

nix develop

Then spin up the development environment:

make dev


By default, the domain for development would leverage for local DNS resolution. So we could start with accessing the

Get the ArgoCD admin password with the script:


From there, you could have an overview of things those got deployed.

Grafana integrated with OIDC authentication is provided as well. Access Grafana at and sign in with Vault.

Get the Vault admin password with the script:


Clean up

Simply delete the cluster and remove the generated kubeconfig:

k3d cluster delete humble-dev
rm ./metal/